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merriam webster

1 Translation result for passion in Spanish


passion noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
pasión, ardor

Example sentences of
passion noun

  • Everyone could see the passion in his approach to the work.
  • a controversy that has stirred passions in Congress
  • Her performance is full of passion and originality.
  • She spoke with passion about preserving the building.
  • The crime was committed in a fit of passion.
  • Music has always been his passion.
  • She developed a passion for opera.
  • a student with a passion for literature

Detailed synonyms for passion noun

1. Passion, fervor, ardor, enthusiasm, zeal, vehemence, intensity significan una emoción intensa que obliga a la acción.
  • Passion se aplica a una emoción que es profundamente excitante o ingobernable <her passion for reading>.
  • Fervor indica una emoción cálida y continua <read the poem aloud with great fervor>.
  • Ardor connota calor y excitación, a menudo intermitente o pasajero <the ardor of their honeymoon soon faded>.
    antonyms: coolness, indifference
  • Enthusiasm se aplica a un vivaz o ávido interés o admiración por una propuesta, causa o actividad <never showed much enthusiasm for sports>.
    antonyms: apathy
  • Zeal indica la enérgica y constante búsqueda de una meta o devoción hacia una causa <frightened by the zeal of the extremists>.
    antonyms: apathy
  • Vehemence, intensity sugieren fuerza de sentimiento y expresión <spoke with some vehemence on the subject> <surprised at the intensity of their feelings>.
2. See: Feeling
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Reverse translation for passion

pasión  - passion 
ardor  - heat, passion, ardor